Internet Downloads
On this page you will find various cool supplemental Anodyne Printware materials you can save to your computer, for FREE!
Anodyne Online EP

Now you can download the NEW Official Soundtrack of the Anodyne Printware online experience! Surf the waves of cyberspace to hypnotic beats and ethereal electronic sounds composed, mixed, and mastered by Luke Jasem (aka Vandalorum).
Rimspace Planet Generator – Analog Record Sheet

So, you want to make a planet with the Rimspace Planet Generator but your players are in a sector of space without access to viewing devices?
No worries! Download the Rimspace Planet Generator Analog Record Sheet – and complete your planetary survey using your favorite analog recording instrument.
Manhunt Character Sheet

It’s the character sheet from the popular Mothership RPG hack Manhunt (featured in Hull Breach Vol. 01), but in digital form! The latest advancements in Electronic Document Technology allow this sheet to incorporate ‘fillable form fields’ so you can write in your little critter’s details electronically without a printer or fax.
The future is now.
From Nightmares

A cornucopia of bizarre and upsetting equipment, baubles, and curiosities found in the seedy depths of X-Class stations or the rotting hulls of ghost ships. Guaranteed to make your players say “I hate that” “no” and “f— this.”
Compatible with Mothership or your favorite Sci-Fi RPG.
Unearth such wonders as:
- A warm thermos filled with fragrant coffee. If consumed, texture chunky and bristling with tiny bones.
- Garbage bag with thousands of unidentified medical test strips, all positive.
- Deck of cards, doesn’t shuffle right.
Written by Ian Yusem & Daniel Hallinan
Art by Evey Lockhart
Layout by Warren Denning